Get your ducks in a row to sell your business

Cross your 'T's, not your fingers

If you're ready to sell, or planning for your future, we'll help you get your ducks in a row.

Do your legal and financial due diligence now to boost your business health, avoid nasty surprises, and get the best possible price when you sell.

Where are you in your business journey?

What we offer

Whatever your size — whether you’re a featherweight in your field, or a big duck in a small pond — we’ll help you get your business ready for sale with a full audit of your processes. 

Ducks in a row carries out an in-depth analysis on all the good bits (and more importantly the not so good bits) about your business as a sellable asset, so we can help you can fix any problems before your buyers find out. 

Because they will find out.

Some clients find our comprehensive audit strengthens their business position so much, they choose to delay selling so they can enjoy the benefits for a little longer. Others use it to identify how and when they can scale up their business, and to attract investors who insist on due diligence.

How can ducks in a row help me sell my business?

Stop your sale from getting stuck in the mud, by getting an in-depth review of your paperwork, contracts, policies, finances, and processes. If you don’t do your due diligence, your sale could stall. Or worse, it could splutter to a complete stop.

We’ve seen sales fall through, and business valuations plummet, all because the seller hasn’t had their ducks in a row.
But you can avoid all that. To get your business as robust as possible, we’ll identify all the areas that need attention, then create a comprehensive plan. 

It’s not all about the bad bits, though. Having a full audit also highlights the great work you’re doing and can boost the value of your business before you even start to amend any documents or processes. It’s all about getting a thorough, independent 360° review of your business and creating an action plan for increasing the potential sale value.

How we get your ducks in a row 

Before we get going, we ask you to complete a short questionnaire.

Once you’re ready to get your ducks in a row, it’s a straightforward process (from your side, at least)...
1. We start with an in-depth call together
2. Then we start a comprehensive fact-finding process, including reviewing the documents you’ll provide via our secure portal
3. Our team of legal and financial experts analyse your documents and do an extensive audit on your business (including your financials) checking in with you along the way
4. We give you an in-depth diagnostic report including a roadmap; you can instruct us further to fix any issues
5. You breathe a big sigh of relief, rave about us to your family, friends, business associates and dog, and sleep easy safe in the knowledge you’re in great shape to sell.

This is not some tick-box exercise
(though we do tick all the boxes)

Sometimes you’re too close to your business to objectively see all its strengths and weaknesses. We help you examine every area of the business, to check for anything scary that might be lurking in your filing cabinet.

In the red-taped world of sales, mergers, and acquisitions, even something as small as a misplaced signature can upend your plans. It’s not a great look if you’re trying to sell, but all your policies and contracts only got signed off two weeks ago.

We’ll identify your vulnerabilities and help you tighten things up.

Cover your assets

Imagine if just before signing to sell, you realise your logos, trademarks, and the intellectual property you thought were part of the package aren’t actually protected.

Some companies come across unexpected shareholder issues at the last minute; once money is on the table things can get messy. And things might be friendly right now, but can you be absolutely sure your trusted staff members won’t decide to set up shop elsewhere, taking your client list with them? Would you bet your business on it?

We can help you protect yourself. You’re best off getting organised early and securing your assets; human, digital and physical. It quite literally pays to plan ahead; anomalies and oversights can make a big dent in your sale value.

You can put a price on your business, but you can’t put a price on your peace of mind. So, do your due diligence now and reap the rewards, whether you decide to sell or not. 

To get your ducks in a row,  just fill in this short questionnaire about where you’re up to. 

Ducks in a Row Registered Address: 215-221 Borough High Street, London SE11JA. © 2024 Aquitas Law. All right reserved.